Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Campaign Leaflet

"Hello, I'm Sue Stroud:

As your neighbour in Central Saanich, I am running for Council to give you a voice at the table. Our community is at a crossroads. We can develop every parcel of land and leave nothing for future generations, or we can protect rural and agricultural land to help ensure food security for all.

I will work to protect the environment, the rural character of Central Saanich and our quality of life. Together we can build a strong, vibrant and sustainable future for our community."

Why You Should Vote For Me

As a 38-year resident of Central Saanich, I am familiar with the complex and varied issues of interest and concern to citizens. I am committed to working on your behalf in the best interest of the community. Having attended and participated in regular Council and Committee meetings and other local government proceedings over a period of six years, I have accumulated a wealth of knowledge and experience that I believe will enable me to be an effective member of Council.

A Proven Record of Commitment, Dedication and Service to the Community

· Former Member of the Central Saanich Heritage Committee
· Member of the Central Saanich Energy Committee and Transportation Management Association
· Member of the Central Saanich Delegation that presented the community’s public transportation concerns and Tanner Ridge citizens’ petition to BC Transit
· Member of the successful ‘Save Our Ferry Committee’ that worked to retain the Brentwood Bay-Mill Bay Ferry Service
· With other community members, collected 1660 signatures in an attempt to persuade Council to save the village trees during the Brentwood Bay Revitalization Project
· Secured the necessary insurance funding for the new soft plastics recycle depot initiative at the Municipal Hall
· Advocate for subsidized and affordable housing

What You Can Expect in the Future

Community Building and Co-operation: A Commitment to Include Citizens in the Decision-Making Process
· Repeal the undemocratic motions from Sept 2007 that made it harder for citizens to be heard and participate in decisions affecting them
· Create new citizen committees to advise Council on environmental issues and other matters of importance to the community
· Develop a dispute resolution system to assist Council, District Staff and neighbours to resolve difficult issues
· Initiate a process of regular tri-governmental meetings with First Nations to ensure they are included in the discussions

Preservation: A Commitment to Rural Central Saanich

· Lobby senior levels of government for more help for farming families such as buyouts, lease-backs, tax changes to protect wildlands and habitat, strengthening the ALR & pensions
· Lobby provincial government for funding for a full-time environmental planner to assess all projects, search for grants, advise on sustainability issues, report on the state of our environment and provide periodic measurements and analysis
· Find more funding and support for community groups seeking to protect and restore our environment and to build community gardens and food forests
· Encourage more community workshops on the environment with a focus on sustainable farming, and protection of Saanich Inlet from over-development
· Protect our heritage -- not just our history, culture, traditions and buildings -- but the natural environment that gives Central Saanich its character and ambience and makes it a special place to live

Conservation: A Commitment to Responsible Fiscal Management, Sound Decision-Making and Sustainable Principles

· Use our financial resources wisely and carefully and live within our means
· Find less costly, more sustainable ways to maintain our infrastructure and public assets
· Respect our natural environment and conserve land and water resources
· Assess the community’s carbon footprint and find ways to collectively reduce it; report out regularly on our progress
· Make the Precautionary Principle the first measure and bottom line of everything we do

Saturday November 15th
Vote for Sue Stroud

All Candidates meetings:

Thursday Nov 6th, 7 to 9 pm at Bayside School, hosted by the Chamber of Commerce and the Peninsula News Review

Wednesday Nov 12th, 7 to 9:30 pm, Seniors Centre, 1229 Clarke Road (beside the Library), hosted by the Central Saanich Ratepayers’ Association

You can vote at the Municipal Hall 1903 Mt. Newton X Road or at the Cultural Centre at the Library.
You can vote early on Nov 5th or 12th at the Municipal Hall.
For details see or call the Municipal Hall at 250-652-4444

Contact Sue at 250-652-3278 or by emailing
See also for further information