Tuesday, December 13, 2011

“We have the potential to become the most transparent Council in the region.” – Councillor Zeb King

Last night saw the hottest item of the recent election campaign, transparency, arrive at the Council table in the form of two motions. One motion was based on a staff recommendation to reinstate the voting record so that citizens can tell how Councillors are voting and the other, put forward by Councillor King, proposed that the item “Delegations and Petitions” be restored to its rightful place near the beginning of the agenda.

Unfortunately, it was another evening of mixed results with those in the gallery left unsatisfied by the explanations given and the votes taken. Councillor Jensen made a valiant effort to cut through the baloney and have all votes recorded for all motions. Staff and some council members felt that it was necessary to differentiate between “substantive” motions and procedural motions such as approval of the agendas and minutes of council and committees.

This writer and others are well aware that procedural motions can be just as contentious as any other motion when used to curtail discussion and debate, but most councillors (except King and Jensen) were content with the assurance that any councillor opposed to these motions  would have their names recorded. It’s worth noting that the debate was going rather well until non-resident Councillor Garrison did his mumble-jumble which always begins with “from my perspective.” In the end the hide-as-much-as-we-can councillors stated that any name not listed as opposed must have been in favour. So save this bit of information, it will be useful later on no doubt when they start claiming they were not in favour and the chair/mayor/recorder did not see their hand up.

The next motion, intended to restore respect for the citizens who foot the bills by putting “Delegations and Petitions” near the beginning of the agenda, failed. This section was relegated to the back of the agenda by former Councillor Kubek and friends and it means that citizens may have to wait until 9, 10 or 11 o’clock to be heard. Working people, seniors, youngsters and those with children all find this a difficulty. Being near the beginning of the agenda ensures that you are heard nearer to 7:30 or 8 pm and can then get home as needed.  Kudos to Councillor King for trying, it would have gone a long way toward clearing the uncivil atmosphere created by the last Council.

Finally the proposal for the densification workshops came to the table. The proposal suggested two workshops, one for the public and one for the developers to be held in a single day. When the gallery queried the rationale for the workshops Councillor Siklenka did a good job of explaining that there was a need to clarify what was meant by densification and what it would mean to different neighbourhoods in Central Saanich “so that we have clear guidelines to help us assess the suitability of developments as they come forward.” So far so good except that the first step must be to ascertain if the community wants densification at all!

His Worship, Mayor Bryson, clarified that he had not asked for a separate closed workshop for developers which the wording of the proposal suggested and which was creating a frisson throughout the gallery as people wondered what information developers would be giving and getting that would not be for all ears to hear. In fact the gallery was pretty much unanimous in thinking that developers don’t need a workshop at all since they are simply to make their proposals based on the expectations of the citizenry. These expectations would be outlined in several workshops that would be held in the various neighbourhoods to give optimum opportunity for input.

Cathie Ounsted asked for some clarification of the timeline, but got more of a history of the thought process than a clear answer as to why these workshops needed to be organized in such a hasty fashion.  

In the end it was decided that a second look was needed, that the gallery’s concern about the small number of workshops needed to be re-examined (and I would suggest heeded, I can’t see how fewer than three will achieve the desired consensus). For more on this item we’ll have to wait for the January 9th Council meeting by which time it is to be hoped councillors have a more realistic idea of what citizens expect from these workshops. We are after all footing the bill for the contractor.

Please also mark your calendars for the Strategic Planning Session to be held February 8th (evening) and February 9th (daylong). This planning session is open to the public and sets the table for the coming year.

Sunday, November 20, 2011


Next depot is Saturday Nov 26 at Stelly's 9 - 12.
Google Pacific Mobile Depot for details on what you can bring and what it costs.

PLEASE NOTE! There will be a depot in December this year.
  It will be the THIRD Saturday, Dec 17th - same time, same place.
Volunteers always welcome.
Maria St.Amand
Thank you to all those who supported me in the recent municipal campaign. I very much appreciate your time and efforts and votes!

I will continue actively working to protect farm and rural land in our beautiful community. I encourage you to help in every way you can. Our environment is fragile and finite, we must become better stewards to ensure a healthy green future for those who come next.

                                                                                   - Sue

Thursday, November 17, 2011

November 19th

Province moves to protect farm land

Extra enforcement, oversight, funds for B.C. Agricultural Land Reserve

Read more: http://www.timescolonist.com/Province+moves+protect+farm+land/5718300/story.html#ixzz1dzwVYvQS

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

My Environmental Credentials

  • Helped write the terms of reference for BC Housing's Livegreen Council which promotes environmental conservation and action at work, at home and in the community
  • Hosted organic gardening workshops for members and friends through the BCGEU Cool Communities Campaign, I invited local organic farmers like Robin Tunnicliffe and Geoff Johnson, composting experts from the CRD, tree pruning and heritage tree expert Cathy Rasmussen and more to share their knowledge, many of those who took the classes have now converted their lawns to gardens, are gardening in the schoolyards etc
  • Through the BCGEU Cross Component Committee provided the first year's insurance to the HOPE Recycle Depot in Central Saanich
  • Fought to save the trees in Brentwood Bay from destruction during the Brentwood Revitalisation
  • Helped blow the whistle on Randy Sewell's mass destruction of trees in Central Saanich (he was fined $125,000)
  • Provided several species of native plants free for the past few years to those attending the Labour Day picnic (Ocean Spray, wild currant, douglas fir seedlings and others)
  • Worked to save the Vantreight hillside from development because rural land is important to farmland for mason bees and other species (Dogwood Initiative joined this action)
  • Worked to protect farmland in Central Saanich in every way I can
This is just a sample of what I have done for our environment. In addition to this I am always postings information about farming and the environment on the internet, sharing everything I can find. It's important to walk the walk and that is what I do.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Why I support Woodwynn Therapeutic Community

I support Woodwynn Therapeutic Community at historic Woodwynn Farm wholeheartedly, because I believe that this is a wonderful, caring, community use for a long under-utilised farm. I will never vote to rezone Woodwynn for permanent residential housing or allow it to be carved up for subdivisions, this promise is written in stone.

The application sent to the ALC is for non-farm use on a portion of the land and 100% of Woodwynn will remain in the ALR.

The buildings being proposed have been designed to be easily moved, and Woodwynn has offered a covenant to put monies in trust to remove the buildings should the program be closed. All over the world land used for everything from housing to the most poisoned industrial purposes is rehabilitated and used for farming and nothing planned here would be difficult to reverse.
The Woodwynn Community has already shown their care and concern for the farm in many ways including

·         rehabilitatating  the creek (with the help of Peninsula Streams) by planting 200 native trees, shrubs and grasses along its edge

·         extensively repairing the buildings

·         planting over 400 fruit and nut trees

·         planting 180 blue spruce

·         planting 12 garry oaks and 12 maples

·         planting a 2 acre vegetable garden  (the first vegetables grown and harvested on this land since First Nations harvested the native plants)

·         increasing the hay crop

·         installing 6 bluebird boxes (this was done by the Garry Oak RestorationTeam)

·         raising pigs
The people who have come to the farm so far have done well and have caused no harm to the community in any way.  New lives have begun and the testimonials from parents and others are inspiring to read.

The volunteerism fostered here is extensive and goes a long way to creating a respect for farming in the wider community:

·         over 2,000 individual volunteers have come to work on the farm, some for an hour others putting in 50 hour weeks

·         85 five year old girls (Sparks from the girl guide movement) came to the farm with their parents and had a wonderful day building a new pond and filling it with plants and fish

·         local farmers have been helping by providing advice, expertise and equipment

·         elementary schools, middle schools and high schools have come to the farm (St Michaels has been a few times) as well as groups of students from UVic, Camosun and Royal Roads who are currently planning a fund and awareness raising event for the farm

·         Church and community groups come to volunteer and use their experience as a team building exercise

·         3,500 attended the Open House held earlier this year and a steady flow has come to the farm market (that started slowly but ramped up as word got out)
Many of the homeless or nearly homeless in downtown Victoria are from Central Saanich and use services provided by other municipalities. I believe that we must do more to support the region in its efforts to end the cycle of poverty and homelessness. This is a piece we can do that fits our community well.

This use is a good use.  I support it because I understand the need.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

What I believe

It's time for positive change in Central Saanich.

It's time to bring everyone to the table.

I am committed to maintaining the rural health and beauty of Central Saanich. We live in the centre of an exquisite jewel. This is the place I love.  I have worked hard and passionately to protect her over the years, speaking out at public hearings, writing articles and advocating for a small, sustainable and self-sufficient community. But there’s much more that needs to be done.

It’s time to understand the interconnectedness of farms, small businesses, community groups, cultures and families.

If we aren’t working together we are missing the opportunity to build a vibrant, healthy community. With 16,000 citizens, Central Saanich is full of good ideas and helping hands. Regular round tables and community discussions can make the most of this vitally important resource. We need to include our youth in everything we do. Youth are our future, they should be there when we next review the Official Community Plan and they should be sitting as observers on some of our committees so they can learn how a community works. We need to support our seniors by helping maintain the seniors centre in Brentwood Bay. This should become a regular part of our budget, they should not have to come asking for help through the grants in aid process. This is a well used centre providing all sorts of activities. Keeping it going is good for the whole community.

I am proud of the help I have been able to offer to those who would set up a recycle depot, fight to save farmland, protect our ferry route, hold a dry grad, get a new crosswalk and create a more liveable, less stressful space for our community.

We are not just another cookie-cutter suburb of a larger city. We are LÁU,WELNEW, the place of refuge, as our First Nations neighbours know, and we need to maintain that vision. We need to respect the land we are using and give back to its future wherever we can. We are here to help each other!
Central Saanich needs to refocus on families, farms and fairness.

Our families need safe, affordable, green and appropriate housing so that our community does not become a monoculture of one age group or one income level. We need to help people "live where they work and work where they live" to reduce transportation costs and the pollution that goes with long commutes. We need to find incentives and funding for alternative energy use and to encourage urban gardening and tree planting to mitigate the effects of climate change.

We need to lobby our provincial government for more help for farmers including perhaps a land bank to buy farms and lease them back at low rates to other farmers. We need to nurture small businesses and help them with our patronage, our support and our creativity. We can streamline the civic paperwork so they can get down to business faster. We can help Keating by encouraging value-added agricultural businesses to start up there (bakeries, flour producers, packing, canning, weavers and more).
We need a true commitment to our Official Community Plan and the Regional Sustainability Strategy so that our community can concentrate on growing food for our families far into the future. We need to respect and understand our agreements with other communities because we are not a law unto ourselves; what we do or fail to do impacts others.

We need fairness and accountability - all votes must be recorded. Meetings must be video-taped and posted on the website. Secrecy is the enemy of openness. If you've nothing to hide you should proudly state yea or nay for the camera.

We need much more public interaction, more notification of public hearings, open houses, town halls, and council & committee meetings using all the new tools available to us. And we need to foster civic values. We can do this by being inclusive.
Central Saanich needs a clearer more readable budget and accounting system so citizens can easily access the information they need.

We need true respect for those who come before council, they are the employer and they are the people footing the bill. We need those who will spend carefully for what is needed, but hold the line on frills. Tax increases as a result of the new "run up the debt" philosophy of some current council members will hamper local families for years to come and future councils will be blamed for the mis-spending taking place now.

Development does not add to revenue sufficiently to cover the expenses it creates, as our municipal planner has clearly stated in more than one public meeting.

Development increases taxes over time as demands are made for more amenities, as growth triggers the legal requirements for more police and fire services, and as maintenance and repairs become necessary.
So who am I?

I am a BC government employee working for BC Housing. In my youth I picked berries on Veyaness, attended Mt Newton School, helped build the trail in Centennial Park and worked for Charlie White Productions on Keating X Road, marketing his Salmon Spectacular film. I have lived on Tanner Road, East Saanich Road and Wallace Drive.
I have learned a lot about the difficulties people face in our society and I have learned to respect them no matter who they are.

We are all one, we all belong.

Our respect for each other is what creates "community."

-Sue Stroud


 On November 19th remember,

Sue Stroud will make you proud!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

How to save small farms

By protecting farmland from development, land trusts are making small-scale agriculture more viable


Thursday, October 20, 2011

Democracy is about YOU!

I am running because democracy is not something that happens one day every several years, and the winner does not "take all".

Democracy is an obligation on the part of those elected to represent all of the people, to listen (without whining about too many emails or phone calls which happen when people feel they aren't heard), to have an open mind and to question their own reasoning and assumptions. This is what makes us accountable.

I have an obligation to make sure I do not run up the borrowing and debt causing our community to become unaffordable for those who live here. I have an obligation to stand up and speak out even if I am the only voice.

I have an obligation to do my best to communicate and listen, to encourage and include and inspire.

Central Saanich needs people who will sign their names to the motions they've put forward and voted on (it's called transparency).

Central Saanich needs people who will uphold the people's document, the Official Community Plan.

Central Saanich needs people who understand that what we do here affects people far beyond our borders.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Get Out the Vote!

Straight from the Central Saanich website.

The next general local election for Mayor, Councillors and School Board Trustees will be held on November 19, 2011.

Voting Opportunities:

• Advance Voting: Wednesday, November 9, 2011, at the Municipal Hall between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.

• Advance Voting: Wednesday, November 16, 2011, at the Municipal Hall between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.

• General Voting Day: Saturday, November 19, 2011, at the Municipal Hall or the Cultural Centre between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.

If you have any questions regarding local elections, voting, or any other matter, please contact the Chief Election Officer. 250-652-4444

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Vantreight Court Date Looming

October 19th and 20th are important days for Central Saanich as an appeal of the earlier Vantreight hill development decision is made in Vancouver. The Residents and Ratepayers of Central Saanich have consistently stood against development that will breach our urban settlement areas as designated in our Official Community Plan. RROCSS has made it clear that when the people speak, the Council should listen. Let's hope the Court sides with the democratic processes that created our Official Community Plan. More to come....and by the way, thanks Ian Cameron for your courage and your tenacity.

Moodyville Facing Parking Crunch

Both safety and peace of mind are at risk as the Brentwood Inn seeks to expand it's footprint in Moodyville. The development planned for the current gravel parking lot calls for a reduction in the number of parking spaces usually required for such a development. The result will be additional spillover into the community.

Neighbours already have considerable trouble with cars from the patrons of the Inn parking in household parking spots and blocking road access when the parking lot is full. While the claim is made that these vehicles are from kayakers and ferry-travellers local resident John Creviston has noted that they are there in the evenings when the ferry is finished running for the day and kayakers are no longer out on the waters.

The new proposal is not acceptable if it means reducing parking spots that are already at a premium. Homes and families must be the first consideration of council in any development proposal. More cars trying to park on local streets mean more headaches for homeowners, more noise, more fumes, and more cars in the way everyday. It also means more difficult access for emergency vehilcles and more danger for neighbourhood children. Homeowners pay taxes to guarantee safety and peace of mind at home, let's make sure their voices are heeded.

Sue Stroud for Council

You can hear me at the All Candidates Meeting hosted by the Residents and Ratepayers of Central Saanich, Friday, October 28th at 7 pm at the Brentwood Community Hall. You can also come and meet me at Spelt's Coffee Shop in Saanichton November 9th from 7 to 10 pm. I will post more events as they come up. I welcome your thoughts and ideas as to how we can move Central Saanich forward without sacrificing her farmland or rural ambience.

If you like what you see as you read over my blog please consider helping with my campaign. I will need people willing to help me leaflet and doorknock throughout Central Saanich, or perhaps hold a coffee party so I can meet your neighbours.

I will also need donations to help with the cost of printing and advertising. Just send a cheque to Sue Stroud, 105-7088 Wallace Drive, Brentwood Bay BC V8M 1P4, large or small they all help a lot and are greatly appreciated. For more info you can call me at 250-415-3828 (evenings are best) or email me at sue_stroud@hotmail.com.

In the spirit of greeness I am using the signs I had last time and will be printing my leaflets on 100% recycled paper.

It's time for change in Central Saanich, it's time to bring everyone to the table.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Excellent video on Harold Steves and the founding of the ALR.

Why I am Running for Central Saanich Council

I am running for Central Saanich Council in the local elections this November 19th.

I love and am committed to maintaining the rural health and beauty of Central Saanich. I have worked hard and passionately to protect her over the years, speaking out at public hearings, writing articles and advocating for a small-community, sustainable and self-sufficient future. I am proud of the helping hand I have been able to offer to those who would set up a recycle depot, fight to save farmland, protect our ferry route, hold a dry grad and create a more livable, less stressful space for our community.

I am opposed to turning us into just another cookie-cutter suburb of a larger city. We are LÁU,WELNEW, the place of refuge, as our First Nations neighbours know and we need to maintain that vision. We need to respect the land we are using and give back to its future wherever we can.

Central Saanich needs to refocus on families, farms and fairness.

Our families need safe, affordable, green and appropriate housing so that our community does not become a monoculture of one age group or one income level. We need to help people "live where they work and work where they live" to reduce transportation costs and the pollution that goes with long commutes. We need to find incentives and funding for alternative energy use; we need to encourage urban gardening and tree planting to mitigate the effects of climate change. And we need to keep costs down.

We need to lobby our provincial government for more help for farmers including perhaps a land bank to buy farms and lease them back at low rates to other farmers. We need a true commitment to our Official Community Plan and the Regional Sustainability Strategy so that our community can concentrate on growing food for our families far into the future. We need to respect and understand our agreements with other communities because we are not a law unto ourselves; what we do or fail to do impacts others.

We need fairness and that means accountability which means all votes must be recorded. We need much more public interaction, more notification of public hearings, open houses, town halls, council and committee meetings using all the new tools available to us. We need more input from the public and a clearer more readable budget and accounting system so citizens can easily access the information they need. We need respect for those who come before council, they are the employer and they are the people footing the bill.

We need those who will spend carefully for what is needed, but hold the line on frills. Tax increases as a result of the new "run up the debt" philosophy of some current council members will hamper local families for years to come and future councils will be blamed for the over-spending taking place now. Development increases taxes over time as demands are made for more and more amenities and as maintenance and repairs become necessary. Development does not add to revenue sufficiently to cover the expenses it creates, as some believe.

Any council pay or benefit increases should have to go to the next election as a referendum item before they can be implemented. (Yes, it still irks me that councillors voted on and benefited from their own decision without reference to the voters a few years ago, and I will lobby the provincial government to make such self-service illegal). It's a matter of respect and accountability.

I am an 18 year BC government employee. I have learned a lot about the difficulties people face in our society and I have learned to respect them no matter who they are: we are all one, we all belong. Our respect for each other is what creates the magic we call "community."

Sue Stroud

Monday, September 19, 2011



All out for PUBLIC HEARING on the new fire hall, Thursday September 22, 2011 6:30 pm at the Fire Training Hall. Come have your say.